"Sense and Sensoriality: A Captivating Campaign for Bottega Veneta's Illusione Fragrance" was a dynamic collaboration between Bottega Veneta and Telegraph Spark. My narrative and design direction injected fresh life into luxury through an immersive video campaign for Illusione fragrances. This marked a significant milestone as The Telegraph entered the AMP vertical video story-led platform.
Illusione fragrances, designed for everyone, offered moments of pure delight with notes like bergamot, blackcurrant, figs, and orange blossom. These fragrances invited viewers to escape into sensory pleasures.
I crafted an 8-slide visual narrative, curating videos and images resonating with Bottega Veneta's Italian heritage. However, visuals alone couldn't capture the fragrance's essence. I enhanced the experience by selecting soundtracks featuring bird melodies, flowing water, and Italy's summer countryside breeze. This auditory dimension invited viewers to relax and immerse themselves in their senses.
The fusion of sound and visuals within an AMP story captivated the audience, driving web traffic. Bottega Veneta's increased investment in The Telegraph affirmed the campaign's success. "Sense and Sensoriality" was an exploration of luxury and sensory indulgence, a testament to my immersive storytelling expertise, and marked The Telegraph's vibrant entry into the AMP vertical video story-led platform.
Bottega Veneta x The Telegraph 
Luxury, Beauty, Lifestyle
Art Direction, Concept Design
Photoshop, Audition, After Effects, Media Encoder


Digital publishing first for using audio, images and video in an AMP story 2019
Setting the scene
Storyboarding and wireframing the three AMP Stories
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